The front-side of MasterCard contains credit card holder’s details (name, picture, etc.) as well as its number and expiry date. The number should be entered without spaces while the expiry month should be selected from a drop down list and the year entered as a text including century.
Card verification code is an additional security measure introduced by MasterCard. It is usually called Card Validation Code (CVC2). CVC2 is located on the back-side of the card in signature field. The signature field contains either a full or a part of the credit card number and a three digit CVC2.
The verification code is shown as 321 in the picture below.
Nowadays most MasterCards are issued with CVC2, but in case your card does not have one, you may enter 'N/A' in Verification code field. Since CVC2 is not embossed it may become unreadable after long card usage, in such case you may enter 'ILG'. It is up to the card issuer to accept transaction, when verification code has not been provided.
Important: Payment system will accept both embossed MasterCards (credit card) as well as flat Maestro cards (debit card), but certain issuers will disallow internet transactions with the former one.
MasterCard transactions can utilize advanced security for internet payments called SecureCode. If both the card issuer and the merchant do support that technology, you may be redirected to issuer site for further verification or issuer applet may be launched on your computer. After verification will be completed the payment process will continue.
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